We want to inspire virtuous professional behaviors and create professional environments that can generate an ever greater collective well-being and KINDNESS in the organization, as well as have a positive impact on its ecosystem.
Our view is that these environments should be built upon four pillars:

1. A meaningful and engaging CULTURE based on the values of:
• trust,
• transparency, and
• equal worthiness of all human beings.
2. A set of "Trust & empower"-based BELIEFS, with a focus on:
• long-term qualitative goals, and
• a view of people as talents, capable of mobilizing and working in collective intelligence to achieve a shared vision.
3. STRUCTURES where leaders serve those who create value by:
• defining clear roles designed around objectives, themes and projects rather than functions and silos,
• following the principle of subsidiarity in decision making: decisions are made as close as possible to where value is created, and
• organizing networked structures, in which authority and power of initiative are distributed, thus functioning organically to serve the vision and mission.
4. A series of healthy PRACTICES, such as:
• control procedures cut down to the minimum,
• decision-making by consent,
• involvement of all levels of the organization on the basis that the best ideas come from the ground, and
• agility and the right to make mistakes.

The target audiences of KINDNESSforBusiness are the actors of today and those who prepare the actors and organizations of tomorrow.
Today's actors are:
● project holders - and, more broadly, projects such as NGOs and foundations - who want to shape their projects and their teams to create a meaningful and impactful business,
● business owners who want to change the nature, the culture, and the organization of their business to adapt it to their values and to leave a positive mark for the future,
● CEOs and business unit managers who have enough autonomy to experiment with alternative approaches of doing business,
● change-makers and positive activists that are committed to bringing to life the vision of their organization without letting bureaucracy get in the way of its realization,
● employees who want to bring contributions, ideas, and change to their organization.
Actors who are shaping the leaders of tomorrow are:
● business schools, universities and executive education actors,
● headhunters, outplacement agencies, interim management
● executive coaches, mentors.

KINDNESSforBusiness is a movement that measures its impact with the KindStone™, that is in units of KINDNESS.
Every input and every output will be valued by an amount of KindStone™. For instance, the input will be valued by a mathematical formula based on a mix of competency, intent, time, and outcomes. KindStones™ are managed on the blockchain and are computed using our Artificial Intelligence Behavioral System.
A KindStone™ is a precious tool that:
● reinforces and disseminates individual and organizational KINDNESS,
● demonstrates the reliability and sustainability of human-centric businesses,
● creates a new line in the balance sheet of companies by giving even more impact to their contribution in terms of UN SDGs.