You want to become involved in our community? We have imagined several levels of commitments

A person who actively participates to the activities of the associations, including meetings and projects, promotes the scope and the work of the association through their own means, contributes to the growth of the association by helping find partners and new members and pays the individual active member fee.
Annual membership fee: 100 CHF / EUR
A profit or non-profit organization that is engaged in implementing the work conducted by the association, pays the collective active member free and nominates a representative who actively participates to the activities of the association
Annual membership fee:
- for companies employing fewer than 5 people: 200 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing between 6 to 20 people: 400 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing between 21 to 50 people: 1,000 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing more than 50 people: 1,200 CHF / EUR + 5 CHF/EUR by employees above 50
- for NGOs of all sizes : 400 CHF / EUR

A person who shares the goals of the association, contributes to a specific project or activity and pays the individual associate member fee but is not in a position to be an active member.
Annual membership fee: 50 CHF
A profit or non-profit organization that shares the goals of the association and pays the collective associate member fee but is not in a position to nominate a representative who actively participates to the work of the association.
- for companies employing fewer than 5 people: 150 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing between 6 to 20 people: 250 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing between 21 to 50 people: 500 CHF / EUR
- for companies employing more than 50 people: 500 CHF / EUR + 2 CHF/EUR by employees above 50
- for NGOs of all sizes : 200 CHF / EUR

A person who is an active, associate or honorary member and pays the sustaining member fee.
Annual membership fee > 250 CHF
A person who is determined by the association to be a honorary member by virtue of their activities in favour of the association.
Annual membership fee: free