Corporate communication has always been a great indicator of the changes and challenges faced by major companies, internally as well as externally. Discursive and visual registers used within this area are constantly evolving and a regular benchmark and analysis of various materials such as annual reports or corporate websites can provide useful informations about the latest trends on many topics such as recruitment, leadership, CSR,…
Here are the 3 major trends we identify this season at KINDNESSForBusiness.
1. VALUING COMMITMENT: highlighting commitment has been a widespread trend when it comes to corporate communication. But a major shift is appearing as commitment is now more and more ranked at the same level than performance, when few seasons ago, it generally tended to be far behind. Sometimes, it is even ranked first, demonstrating the growing value of this concept.

2. VALUING INNOVATION & CHANGE: through the use of bold words, visuals or colours, companies are more and more eager to claim their differences, most of the time through the lens of purpose and meaning, offering to their employees ‘‘more than just work’’ (as stated, for example, by IBM).

3. VALUING DIVERSITY: if diversity is also not a new topic, it now tends to be the first highlighted argument valued by companies when it comes to recruit new members. Which is a huge step forward equality.

These 3 trends have a common point: they are all addressing the pandemic of malaise our team is fighting against since the creation of our movement last year. Therefore, they should be around for a while … unless our society makes the good and KIND choices faster than anticipated.

KINDNESS FOR BUSINESS Co-founder - branding & visual identity
Based in Paris, Olivier is a Branding & Design expert. After 18 years spent in major international agencies (Dragon Rouge, Lonsdale, …), he founded in 2018 his own company: Sanagi, named after a Japanese word meaning ‘chrysalis’. He is dedicating himself to transform and improve small and large businesses through Design, Innovation & Trends Analysis all over the world.