News Jan 7, 2022

According to the online publisher Visual Capitalist (and to Callum Williams from the Economist) the shifting labor dynamics will indeed be one of the major trends that will shape 2022, allowing workers to be in the driver’s seat.

The website is listing 4 trends emerging from this boarder theme :

• the labor shortages that emerged during the pandemic will remain in place in 2022 and beyond. Certain sectors, such as cybersecurity, are facing acute shortages of skilled workers
• There is a broad consensus that the future of office work is “hybrid”. Companies that don’t offer flexibility will face a disadvantage in attracting talent
• The internet and social media have opened up a number of career pathways for individuals to earn an income beyond simply working for a company
• Work/life balance and burnout will be central points in discussions around workplace culture

Nick Routley, the article's author is also quoting  C/net


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